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Mar 14, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
12/02/23 (Recovering from the dreaded COVID 19) what a few months its been So lets start at the end of last year OXFORD HALF Great, fantastic, loved it, completed my 1 year goal, set my PT. after that race, I had a bit of time off, and the last two races of the year was GRIM at Aldershot, Bloody hell that ones cold, lets just say I'm not short but I was nuts deep in the cold water ( they have not moved that far north in along time). Followed by a Club run for Mental Elf in Southampton, for Waterside runners. Jan 2023 Farnborough winter half (chilly not hilly) MY ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -4 so the car said on the motorway, but there was no wind, cold, but if you found a bit of sun you was ok. this one was booked before xmas and was the 1st run back after having Covid (that knackered all of us). Chilly not hilly, umm so who put the bloody big hill at the start??? it went well, good start and you guessed it, I was at the back, but who cares?. Got to about 2 miles ish and had to walk couldn't breath well, it was hard, it was cold, but fair play to the guys who organise it, it was well gritted and I came in at around 44 mins ish and I was happy with that. move on to today 12/2/23 and Back to GOODWOOD, love this course, I use it as a level playing field, I keep going back to see how I'm progressing. hand a time in my mind to beat and I did. first mile 12.07, flying, couldn't believe it, AND, found the wall, I was fucked, nothing wanted to work, all I could see was the target time flying off into the distance, trying to breathe from the diaphragm, nope not having, trying to get legs moving, nope not having, if I was a mechanic, I would call it a gearbox full of neutrals. Times, slipping, body's packed up, one foot in front of the other, I plodded on. Mile two ohh fuckkkkk 15mins, trying to work out my next mile time, my finishing time I wanted to beat, trying to get motivated, NOPE NO CHANCE, third mile, ok, got through that by JEFFING, 13.23 looking at the watch 40 ish mins past, and I've no idea where the last 200 meters of power came from, but it came and I was passing people only 1 or 2, and across the finish line, Just under the 42 mins target, grabbed medal, all the freebies I could hold and after a quick trip to Portsdown hill, to MICKS MONSTER BURGERS for a bit of lunch, and back home. happy not happy kind of race. 16/10/2022 OXFORD HALF (my 1st half) So, with all the training put in place over the last year, having gone very well, (sorry to my running wife who I think I broke). Things were looking very very good. My PT and her partner gave up there day off to travel with me (never too sure what my diabetes is going to do). up and out at the crack of dawn, to oxford. Now i love oxford, always have just can't afford to live there. I have to say that the park and ride was cheap, that's parking and bus fare. the race village is sort of, well, it's not near the start or finish, but it was ok as race villages go. Apart from they went all vegan no meat thingy day, we got going about 10 mins before the paperwork said we would. I had a goal, beat 3.30.00 that's the cut off, and I knew from my training this was possible, however I'd only got up to 11.5miles in training. I was at the back at the start, I was in last pen of runners to be let loose on the course. And I could see from mile 1, I was at the back (nothing new), so time to focus on the few runners Infront of me and hunt them one after one, at two miles i was at 2s, well ahead of time. My PT was at mile two and I apologised for going off too fast, but i was keeping up with everyone, or being left behind one of the two. and from then on, i overtook the odd one or two runners, took on water at every station, even at the energy station, at 9 miles i phoned my pt and said i was at 9 miles at 2h15mins and was on track for a 3h15 finish, mile ten came and my PT was at the side of the road, loads of encouragement came and was needed, and then it fell apart, which it shouldn't have, but did. We moved from lovely flat tarmac to a gravel pathway, with no supporters, a severe last of signage and direction, but on we plodded, but with a lack of encouragement, the dreaded jeffing came out, however I could see what i thought was the finish, a big steel gantry emblazoned with OXFORD HALF, but I was moving away from it. Then i knew where i was, i was back in starting pen, what the chuff is going on here???. then it got a bit more difficult, the marshals were opening up the course to the general public. ducking and diving and trying to move forward, elt like i should have been in the boxing ring, but the Marshalls were great "RUNNING COMING THROUGH, MOVE OUT THE WAY and STOP!!! THERE A RUNNER COMING PAST" really helped, left and right turns through back roads, watch beeped 13miles looked up sign for 13 miles was about 300 meters ahead, still i plodded on, i wasn't going to walk over the finish line and i didn't 3h27m53s My 1st and last half DONE 14/8/2022 TIMS TADLEY 10K. Good and Bad, Bad, heat (ruddy hot, and 10.15 start), Good, 12min mile, Bad Back of pack, Good, shaded route in place's and nice breeze in other's, Bad, One hill they said, ONE HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lying bleeps), Good, Back runners, TOP BLOKES, Bad, Came in Last, Good Got a goody bag for coming in last. Its one of those courses you want to run just to say you have, but also one of those runs you NEVER want to again, still good training for my half in october and only a bit over my estimated finish time. END JUNE start JULY, the Half marathon is getting real, Charity vest arrived and PT says "I want you to run this", so I've a LSR (long slow run) and a short one every week. the longs get longer and the short get shorter, and earlier, i was out a 6am the other day to get 8 mile in before the heat came. late June GOODWOOD again, god I love this course, its flat, well as flat as you can hope, the tarmac is so nice and smooth wasn't a PB but wasn't going for a PB, this will sound weird, was going for consistency, trying to get my pace under control. June 2022, ENDURE 24 Wasing park, it says its brutal, walked the route Friday eve, nice warn, bit of a breeze, great weather for camping, Friday eve they announce the BAR has been drunk DRY, who would have thought this would happen at a place sponsored by HIENEKIN ????, Saturday, decided not to start at the 12 noon start and be mobbed, so left it a bit later to run, I had a idea in my head and went for it, TWO laps, TEN ish miles THREE Hours, so happy, but the event needed a bit more, if you had forgotten anything running related, you was knackered, No where on site to buy anything, but it was the great start for my HALF MARATHON TRAINING. 24/4/2022 This is a bit of a monthly update and not a general race update Today 24/4/22 was Southampton 5kand with this was new addition to the t shirts, my wife was wearing her new shirt " the determined bastards wife" and i was wearing my "determined bastard" chuffing cold to start chuffing hot to finish my 5k was a bit short according to my watch 4.98k but with a time of 40.23 Very very happy, Was great to meet up with Waterside runners and Mark Mathias, who dragged my fatbastard backside across the line at mo run last year, now last week (16/4/22) I did my local park run and smashed out a great time of 40.38 ( my new park run PB) i was sat on cloud nine, now the week before (10/4/22) was the big Brighton 10 K, ohh my goodness, it all fell apart, Water bladder mouldy (Bin and buy new £30.00), left a base layer at home, couldn't find running hat ( popped to race village and buy new 58.00), morning of the race, had a time in mind, to be honest its been in place for 2 years MUST BEAT ONE HOUR THIRTY MINS, smashed it 1hr26min04sec smashing 6mins off my previous 10k time. 6/3/22 got a lovely email asking WHERE CAN I GET A SHIRT? well that's a good question. 1st shirts are not given out willy nilly, you need a very good reason to be able to get one, all shirts are black Apart from 1(Jacqui's). Read below. 2nd they cost about £30.00 posted. so i've been quiet on here as i have had a slight hic up with my diabetes, but we are back and ready to start smashing it again, im back in the GYM, back with my PT and back running, (in-between Working full time and being a Operations Supervisor at my local Covid Vaccination Centre) its all go here you know. My next big race is Brighton 10K in April, wifey will be running in her " The Bastard's wife" shirt and me in "The Determined Bastard" shirt. keep a eye out, and cheer me on!!! MoRun 10k ohh my god, in simple terms, oh dear, next year i will run this as a 5k again, 10k was ok (who am i kidding) they was taking the course down before id even finished, not impressed!!!!!!!!!! GOODWOOD 26/9/21, well normally I start with a race report, but not today. Today I bumped into a lovely lady Jacqueline, who it appeared I had met way back, about 2 years ish, when FBR was started. we were both doing the Mo run in Southampton 2019 and egged each other on, while explaining what fatbastardrunning was all about, she was down for the 1/2 marathon today, we found each other on Facebook and connected, what can I say about her, 1st Girl, I'm impressed, (i will leave that there) 2nd you are now an official Fatbastardrunning Honorary member (the 1st and only) 3rd, it will be my honour to run with you for a race (maybe Mo Run Southampton?), 4th keep going darling, your a smashing inspiration. now the race report, short and sweet,, met inspirational lady, weather dry, start, fast, then wet, then dry, then finished, Cheered Jacqueline on, (I would have so much have loved to run support with you for another lap all three of us would). Endure 24 Wasing Park (Henley Temple island meadows), well this was a good one, arrived Friday, set up camp, and walked the 5mile route, ok it went well, Saturday, right ready for this, We had a team of 5, Doris, Diddy, Bully, Helen and FBR, 1st 5 mile run went well 1hr.14mins, I had wanted to do a sub 1h.15m and i did, the second run wasn't as good, I was blowing out my back side and did a 1h.30min which in the grand scheme of things wasn't bad, bearing in mind I had walked 5mile the day before, but I suffered really badly for this, and it resulted in a flare up, which lasted nearly 4 weeks, this sun 5th sept Southampton 10k. 03/07/21, so another couple of weeks passed, sorry for not updating last week (due to family commitments), so last week, I did a 5k run/walk/Jeff thingy (introduction) with a new member to the local running group I'm a founding member (this was founded from being in lockdown and is taking off at a rate of knots) #GoRogue we can be found on Facebook and are my local town based (Basingstoke) we were photo graphed for our local 5k (Croudace festival 5 run) and also at our 1st birthday (in the Basingstoke Gazette). So this morning, I took one of our newbies our for her official 1st group 5K race (#notparkrun), it was a jeffing run with an agreed of 4 mins walk and 4 mins run, (smartphone app) and I have to say she did fantastic, we covered the 5K in 44m33s which for a first time 5k was very good and she was awarded her first virtual medal, we will be doing this 4 and 4 for a few more weeks and once she is happy to change these times we will go to 5 and 3 and see how that goes, Ohh and its THREE WEEKS until Endure 24 2021 BRING IT ON.. 20/6/21, So another race day Upper Heyford RAF base 5K this time again solo, so last week hot hot hot, this week wet, wet, wet and a bit of wind. Never run this course before and was told its the flattest course you will ever run (NOPE). nice early drive up the A34, found the place quite easy, registered, number tagged on shirt, then came the debates, neck buff or no neck buff? i had already decided on shorts and picked a suitable Go Rogue / FATBASTARD RUNNING shirt, ummm running jacket or not, ended up with with buff and jacket, buff was a mistake, jackets easy run with it open. Managed to start right near the front for a change, and social distancing starts was well sorted, surprised they send 5K/10K and Half runners off all at the same time. Sat at start, having stretched and bouncing to keep warm, and we are off, 1K yep Flat 6.41 ok a bit fast, 2nd K slow it down a bit, but still flat 7.28 (doing good here) 3rd K still flat 7.37 (ohh who put a out and back in half way round??) 4th K started flat, ended up at end with start of a gradient 7.41 with a very short bit of walking (blowing out of my backside) 5th K ohh look finish line, I can see it but it looks closer than 1k remaining, Ohh another out and back to finish line again with another short walk, and pour on what little bit of power I have got left ( NOT MUCH) inspect watch. Time looks good, and here comes the doubts, will it be a PB?, it wants to be a PB!!, what if its not a PB??, FUCK IT ,JUST RUN, watch beeps 5K, YESS DONE IT. but the finish line is another 9 seconds away, keep going, holy shite look at that new 5K RACE PB 37m.25s. (previous 5K PB 37.46). 12/6/21 RACEDAY Dorney Lake 10K 10.45am start time (Flying Solo) OH MY GOD< TALK ABOUT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!, so up early, camel pack loaded with isotonic orange, mini soreen loafs, and glucose shots, nice new white running hat, and the standard running box of recovery items, and we are off, all went well until I hit the M4 ( Sodding road works and average speed checks, thank god for cruise control) anyway, knowing the half marathon runners are being set off in two different waves I wanted to get there early as in previous events I have parked a long distance away from the start. Then the heat came, and very little breeze ( makes a change the last time I was here it was wet and windy), Like everyone I had a finish time in my head, in theory 1h20m. The start went well, through the timing gates and off up the side of the lakes, 1k,2k, lovely breeze on face, 3k, by this time I'm coming back down the far side, holy hell, NO BREEZE, NO SHADE, but time was still good 4k falling apart, back to jeffing, 5k ahh the water table, 6k, time check 1h02m, great on Target 7k ohh hell backdown far side again, here comes the jeffing again, and it all fell apart, on a plus note other runners were also jeffing, down side i came last out of the 10k runners, PLUS note new fastest PB, NOTE Too hot, wrong time of day and the race needed another water point Me and my mate TERRY DORNEY LAKE BOAT HOUSE 23/05/21 RACEDAY CROUDACE FESTIVAL 5K Well what a odd 2 weeks its been, with work and all. A change in Covid testing coming into place with work and having a really bad attempt at a 5k last weekend, but with my PT who knows how to get the best out of me we are up and running again, and onto this morning. Picked up my running buddy Shell, (her 1st real event) she was nervous, as to be expected (I remember my 1st 5K). It seemed all rush rush and wait. We met the rest of our lockdown running group (Go Rogue) had the pre race photos, even got photographed by the Basingstoke Gazette (keep your eyes out for the article) race start was different but we all have to do things different now, and we was off, I kept with my Shell, and we was doing great, yes we got over taken by other runners even when no overtaking was in place we kept a good pace throughout the 5k and the pace picked up in the last K and Shell who has C.P. fell over, we got her back up and carried on, but she was pushing a bit too hard, and stumbled again. The support of the rest of the Go Roguers was outstanding everybody piled into help and we got her across the line and into the hands of ST Johns 1st aiders (fantastic job guys) for me it wasn't about a PB, my sole purpose was to get Shell to the finish line of her 1st ever 5K race and we got her there. WELL DONE SHELL. 6/5/21, its been a while, got to love shift work. it has its pluses and minuses, the weigh in are, well crap, was warned this might happen on of the meds I have to take, what wasn't meant to happen was last Saturday. just wasn't in the mood, felt like crap, but went out for a 5k around my local estate, As the 1st K pinged on the watch, I thought bleep bleep bleep, too fast, slow down you wont last at this rate. well dam near shit myself when I got to my 5K watch bleep and I have a new 5K PB of 37.46, feck knows where it came from, feck knows if I can do it again, and I didn't get the Freestyle Libre, as I'm not taking meds for my diabetes, I cant have one. 19/4/21, So been busy with work as always, not much volunteering this month, I have got the Basingstoke Croudace Festival 5K BOOKED, best get my arse in gear. WE ARE BACK IN THE GYM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't realise how bad my legs had got, yes I can still run, but, other muscles have lost a bit of get up and go. Tomorrow I have a Diabetes visit to the local Hospital, YES, AN IN PERSON VISIT!!!, hoping to get a Freestyle Libra, so I don't have to keep stopping and prick my finger to see what my bloods are doing, back with the PT tomorrow also and a trial run of the festival 5 route on Thursday. and lastly I got my 100 miles in Feb medal today. 4/4/21 So another week and another weigh in and been on nights, so Nights? A very quiet set, one busy ish, one off, one sat on my bum and the last one very busy, However I had decided that the chicken curry, rice and naan bread was prob a bit too much as I tended to put weight on, so I changed up my menu, fish cakes, Alpha bites and beans, I know what a upgrade. however 1/2 Lb. on, I will take that as a win. PT today, and couldn't decide weather to wear leggings and base layer, in the end shorts and t shirt, had a new exercise on the HIT side (LUNGES), holy heck my thigh's, and a different run session. this wont mean bugger all to you guys, but Start line to Bin, 29s, 27s, 25s, 21s and no 5 was 20s, run uphill to bin, jog back, short rest and go again. So Endure has moved date and place this year, Best get the planning started.. 28/3/21 this week has been kind of busy, good and grounding at the same time, a busy few days at work my regular 48 hours followed by a day at our local covid vaccine center (did 7 miles in a car park in 12 hours) GOOD, and then grounded. my feet were killing me even when sitting, so had a forced day of rest. today 28/3 I had agreed with two of my fellow runners, Shell and DDD, to cover a 5k a new route for shell and a new one for DDD ( I'm sure he's done this one before). A nice gentle plod I estimated a 44-46 mins route and it was done for me in 45.07 not the fastest, but a good gentle plod, followed by a great socially distance catch up and put the world to rights. Looks like Team #NOEXCUSES will be at Endure Reading this year, even with a change of dates and hopefully with a fully jabbed up team. Have a PT session booked for Monday, another session at the covid center Tuesday and back to a few nights Tuesday evening. So today 20/3/21 was an Injection day, I always know I'm due an injection at around day 10-12 out of 14, this is my 2 weekly injection for my A.S. and as such I know the run on that day will be crap, so I accept any run time on this weekend, even if event running, I had no running buddy today for #NOTPARKRUN run and to comply with the rules, I wasn't on the local parkrun course. 1st k, was looking good, with a slight down hill, 2nd k not bad mostly flat, 3rd k uphill and down hill and a bit of flat, 4th k Short uphill followed by a long slow incline (10mtr up across 3/4 of a k) and last k was down hill, but by this time I was flagging. got a 3rd fastest segment over a 400 mtr stretch run time 46.19 9.15/km pace, was shite but I know why and understand why.
Mar 14, 2021
In Welcome to the Forum
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Mar 14, 2021
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